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View Full Version : Cruise for Troops, Saturday September 26th

08-31-2015, 11:44 AM
Cruise for Troops would like to invite MNFE to our event. We're not asking for any additional help or special donations, we're just getting the word out to as many people as we can and someone suggested you. It's a really cool event, the largest of it's kind in the upper Midwest, and we would like you to join us.

It's on Saturday September 26th, 2015 at Running Aces Harness Park (just north of where 35E and 35W meet near Forest Lake). Registration opens at 9am. Cost is $15 for pre-registration or $20 at the door. There will be an opening ceremony with color guard and fallen heroes tribute before the cruise starts.

It's part cruise: After a brief route overview meeting, we will travel about 50 miles along lesser traveled roads. Don't worry about stop signs and lights---we've contracted with Law Enforcement to allow us though while they hold back the cross traffic for us! We try to keep it at a nice pace so everyone stays together, we want to be noticed. In fact, we even will have viewing areas along the route so communities can cheer us on! We do welcome all motorized vehicles, and will separate motorcycles from the cars for safety during the cruise.

It's part show and party: Cruisers arrive and become part of the spectacle. It's show and shine time if you're so inclined. We will have food and drink vendors, things to see and do, live music, and a fabulous silent auction with a wide range of items and experiences.

Who are we? Cruise for Troops is an event designed to be fun, but ultimately we are raising money for our local families of fallen soldiers. We have teamed up with Tribute to the Troops, a Minnesota based non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness of the sacrifices made by America’s fallen heroes and their families. The money we raise goes to establishing a 529 education fund in the child's name and in honor of their fallen hero parent.

We are not about pushing any political agenda. We do this to support our troops, their families and preserve the memories of fallen Minnesota heroes.

Please visit www.CruiseForTroops.com (http://www.CruiseForTroops.com) for event details and www.TributeToTheTroops.org (http://www.TributeToTheTroops.org) for more information about how we support our fallen heroes.

Please share this with your club and friends.
(We can also be found on Facebook)