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View Full Version : V8 SHO Owners vs Ford Class Action Suit Comes to an End

06-11-2010, 12:43 PM
You won't find this in any article... and most, if not all, prolly won't care here, but I'll post it for search purposes if anything.

There has been a very long, drawn out, class action lawsuit filed against Ford by the collective V8 SHO owners.
The lawsuit was filed due to faulty cam gear design in the SHO's 3.4 V8 motor that allows the cam gears to 'slip' and alter timing, and ultimately slipping to the point of taking out the interface design motor (a $14,000 motor new!). The lawsuit was in a point of appeal, but just this past week has finally ended, of course in Ford's favor.

If anyone has one of these cars, or knows someone with one, please tell them to research the car ASAP and get the cams welded by someone who has done so before on the cars. These things fail at a steady rate. There are 1201 documented cases of such. At any given time you'll more than likely find one or two on craigslist that has failed and is now a parts car. It's sad since they were/are a very nice car for what they are.

At any rate, that's my news. Thanks for reading :P

06-14-2010, 11:14 PM
A link to go with this with more reading about it. http://www.v8sho.com/SHO/Lawsuit%20Update%20-%20Final%20Edition.htm