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View Full Version : Twin Ports Mustang and Ford club show 062610

06-27-2010, 01:54 PM
As in years past, several club members made the trek northward and supported a smaller local Mustang and Ford club. The show was held on the Wisconsin side of Lake Superior this year and although the weather was cool, misty, and foggy....it was a great time to be had!

Congrats to the following club members that took home awards!

Gary Hamlin - Best in Show
Randy Thiel - Best in Class
Steve Strangis - Best in Class

The local club members had a lot of NICE cars in their group. They did something pretty cool with award voting, and segregated ALL club member cars into a single non-competition class. One award for best in show club car was granted in this group.

This was a neat idea because it encouraged people that weren't members to bring their cars - and ensured that the members didn't win all their own trophies.

I think we should consider something like this for the Fall AVF show voting.

Congrats again to those bringing home some new hardware!

06-29-2010, 07:38 AM
Congrats Guys! :happydance: That was too early of a treck for me :)

06-29-2010, 07:59 AM
Nice job guys. Wow - that is a big trophy Gary!

06-29-2010, 08:40 AM
Nice job guys. Wish we could have made the trip... had other commitments. Will shoot for next year.

06-29-2010, 08:17 PM
Way to go guys----------nice hardware!

08-17-2010, 01:03 PM

The local club members had a lot of NICE cars in their group. They did something pretty cool with award voting, and segregated ALL club member cars into a single non-competition class. One award for best in show club car was granted in this group.

This was a neat idea because it encouraged people that weren't members to bring their cars - and ensured that the members didn't win all their own trophies.

I think we should consider something like this for the Fall AVF show voting.


I think we should do this..there really is not reason why we need to collect trophies at our own show....it bodes well for those attending to see we aren't gonna take any trophies and might get more to attend...maybe we just park all club member cars in one section as well... i would like this to be a discussion topic at Saturdays meeting. :patriot:

08-17-2010, 03:10 PM
I agree Tracy, we can discuss at this Saturday's meeting but keep in mind folks, our show is quickly approaching. If there are any more suggestions or comments, we should get them out on the table for discussion now, as it'll soon be too late to make any changes!

08-17-2010, 05:39 PM
I'll voice my opinion here as well.

I'm on the other side of the coin. If I'm going to spend all that time getting my car ready for a show (which is supposed to be the "best" car winning) then I should have the ability to win within my class and as the best car in show as well.

I also do not believe this is "just in time". It is already too late to change classes or the shows basic organization for this year. All the promotional material has been distributed both to attendees and sponsers. Changing it just weeks before the show is really not a good idea as it makes us look like we have no clue what we are doing; which I am happy to say really ISN'T the case. We put on a VERY good show and people continue to attend because of the way it is run and the very good class divisions (that adjust based on attendence each year).

This is why we put together the Car Show Committee. So that these ideas can be discussed and worked into the event... starting in March and April, not August.

I'm all for new ideas, but they also need to be tempered with proper implementation time.


08-17-2010, 11:23 PM
Thanks for sharing both sides of opinion.

Here's my input for consideration...

I don't think that anything about our show related to materials already available - flyers, classes, promotional material, etc. would need to change for this year. I've had a lot of fun attending car shows hosted by various clubs around the state this year. When attending I've noticed that the promotional flyers/web site info, etc. all looks very much like ours. It is nice to learn at the registration table that the club cars are labeled with a non-compete 'club car' type notation on the window/dash sheet in each car. It is a good feeling to know when registering that the club is welcoming to non-members and that non-members have a chance to win something. In a club like ours...where we have a very large number of extremely nice cars... it is very difficult for non-members to collect some hardware. It also seems unfair to non-members that their registrations are funding show trophies awarded to member cars.

Of course, maybe because I'm still relatively new there's aspects to our car show that I have yet to learn. And yes, I have an open mind and would like to learn more about it.

It seems that the club car show would be great for the following (in no particular order):
fund raiser for the club
attract new members/prospects to the club
promote a fun atmosphere around Ford products
showcasing member cars to promote the club

In thinking about it, my thoughts are that our club car show really shouldn't be "about us" so to speak.

I'd be happy to share my viewpoints further at the meeting and encourage others to share theirs as well.

08-18-2010, 05:50 AM
I am welcome to hear recommendations and such for the show. In fact I have asked many times for help, input and planning for this years show.

We are STILL looking for volunteers to help the day of the show so please take the time to consider helping.

I don't think many realize how much time is spent putting this show together. I hear what you are saying but we are less than one month from the show. Details have been set. Trophies have been purchased. Marketing has been done through various avenues. The classes were setup based on the past couple years of shows INCLUDING our members cars participating.

I feel if we are going to eliminate our club cars from participation, promote a charity or anything else of that nature it takes planning and should be a promotional tool throughout the process, not done shortly before the show when there is still work to be done.

I encourage all to make comments, suggestions and such at the meeting. However please consider the timeframe. And please consider volunteering to help where needed the day of the show.


08-18-2010, 08:14 AM
Something else to keep in mind is the QUANTITY of members we are talking about in our club versus the smaller clubs that "eliminate themselves" from the voting.

When our show pulls 150 to 170 cars, I'd say easily 1/3 of that is club members cars.

I don't believe in awarding trophies (at any car show) to cars that are NOT the best in class.
It just turns the show into a joke.
Eliminating all of our members cars WOULD force that to happen in several classes.

Also, if we eliminate our members cars from participating in the voting of the show, what incentive is there for
someone to become a member of our club AND attend the show. It seems you are shooting yourself in the foot.

Just some things to ponder.

Good topic for discussion, but again, there are many aspects that need to be considered and honestly, there is not enough
time left before this years show to properly address the idea (in my opinion).


08-18-2010, 08:41 AM
I thought I would post up some actual numbers from last year in regards to members who participated in the show since Rod brought it up.

Last year, we had 30 member cars registered, 10 of which were in the SVT Cobra class.
The remaining 20 were spread out through the various classes.

That is out of the 155 total cars at the show so it was 1/5th of the show.

The splitting into two of the SVT Cobra class was a result of 10 of our members showing in that class
and wanting to be fair to the 93-01 cobras competing against the 03-04 Terminators.

Our club members showing at the show was part of when we were SVTOATC and had 70-75 paid members.
After our name change and lowering of membership dues, our membership has nearly doubled at 135 paid members currently.

Of those 60-65 new paid members, only 5 were at our show last year.

Just more information to ponder and discuss for this weekend.
As I've said, I love new ideas, thoughts and opinions, but the timeframe is my concern at this time.

Thanks for "listening"

08-18-2010, 12:27 PM
No big deal, just some food for thought. Let's put it on the list for next year's show discussion so as not to disrupt this year's event.

08-19-2010, 06:19 PM
:singer: Club car's in one class is a cool thing I like that. :happydance: