As expected... it had to do with the PPRV delete mod...

I dropped the tank this afternoon and found the issue right away.

There was apparently a defective hose. D9 and I noticed one of the hoses
had some junk hanging inside it (we just chalked it up to the nylon lining at the time).

That same hose is the one that blew off each time we had an issue during the
original install.

Now, that hose is the one that BLEW OUT the side.

My guess (and that's all it is) is that the junk in the gullet of the hose was causing
a boat-load of blockage and hence built up pressure. So... it pushed it off the pump
when we were using the standard EFI hose clamps. So... we put on a set of worm
clamps instead and cranked them tight as could be. Now, the hose couldn't blow off.
Instead... it started to bulge, eventually cracking the hose along the worm clamp at the
"Y" junction. Then with more and more boost use that crack began expanding up the
hose. Eventually reaching a point where pressure couldn't be carried through the line
enough anymore to support the required rail pressure for the blower boost.

End result was a hose that had a 3 inch gash in it.

Now just waiting on parts to fix it.

At least I found the issue.
